I am going to continue talking about the New Moon chart. There is just so much packed into it that so beautifully reflects our situation here on Planet Earth.
Today I am going to look at a reasonably rare triple conjunction between Mars, Jupiter and Pluto. Those three planets are all very close together late in the sign of Capricorn. As with all astrological symbolism there are multiple different ways we could interpret or talk about this aspect. But seeing as these vibes are being played out in the world so vividly let’s use that.
The Set Up
I’m going to show my working on this one.
Mars is an energetic planet, he takes his name from the Roman God of War. In one reading there is conflict, violence and self serving ambition here. It represents the principle of direct action.
Jupiter symbolises the principle of expansion, when it joins up with other planets it often magnifies and enhances their qualities.
Pluto is named after the God of the Underworld and often represents some of our deepest and darkest fears and taboos, including death and panic.
These three planets are joined together in the sky. This means that their energies are blending with one another closely. They are doing this in the sign of Capricorn.
Capricorn represents what we think of as the real world, or society at large. It’s just the way the world works. In our times this includes things like big business and industry, governments and institutions, traditions and conservative politics.
All the world’s a stage
If we put all of these elements together it’s pretty easy to see how this – almost poetically – reflects some of the turmoil we are living through right now. Mars and Pluto together give off this visceral feeling deep inside. It can come out as irrational anger and fear. Or a the kind of every-man-for-himself attitude we are seeing spread across our supermarkets right now.
Jupiter just blows this feeling up way over the top. Although sometimes Jupiter can act as the couldn’t-give-a-shit cooler than cool dude, he can also represent gross overreaction. Which one are you, dear reader? Funnily enough both ends of this spectrum have helped to spread the virus and/or weaken the systems trying to deal with it. In other words Jupiter is magnifying the very real threat represented by Pluto and causing even more tension reflected by Mars.
The fact that this happens in Capricorn is symbolic of all of this occurring for real. So many of the international tragedies and crises that we have lived through recently have been largely conceptual. “Yes, the climate crisis is very bad, but what can we really do?”, “Obviously poverty is tragic but…”, “Wow, those towers over there got attacked, that’s scary.”. If you are reading this, these kinds of things most probably (my heartfelt condolences otherwise) are not or were not immediate threats to you or your family’s safety. The current crisis feels as though it really is.
The other Capricornian theme – mentioned in the previous post – is that the governments and infrastructures of the world are having to act to mitigate and adapt to the threat and the panic caused by the virus.
Jupiter and Pluto are going to be making aspects to one another for the rest of the year. Mars however, is just passing by. This means the worst of the panic should subside as Mars moves out of aspect in the coming weeks.
What does it mean for me?
Of course, astrology works on a psychological level too. We have seen how these energies have played out on the world stage, or on the scale of society. But what can we do with this powerful energy on a personal level?
These three planets together could feel like tectonic shifts deep in one’s being. Pluto desires transformation. It purges and burns that which is no longer of use in order for the new and relevant to grow. This can often be a painful process. Jupiter’s influence here softens the harsh and unforgiving nature of Pluto, making your personal evolution a bit of an easier ride.
We talked yesterday about the New Moon offering a redo on any outstanding resolutions, or an opportunity to put some new plans into action. Jupiter and Pluto are working in the background here to boost any growth work you decide to undertake. Mars can act as fuel to the fire and in Capricorn works relentlessly to achieve its goals. Added into the mix we can see this as motivating force.
To some extent we are all going through deep irreversible changes now regardless of whether we are aware of them or not. Pluto often works so deep below the surface that we only experience the symptoms of change without being fully aware of the process. Jupiter and Mars will help bring this process to the surface. Helping you see your path a little more clearly and acting as a jump-start to any intentions you want to set.
Slow Down
Mars and Jupiter want to go outside and explore the world. And this might not be possible now for many of us. But if Jupiter is famous for anything it is offering us opportunities (that we often tend to ignore). The opportunity being offered now is to s l o w d o w n a bit from the relentlessly busy lifestyles that we have constructed under the guidance of the 100% productivity at all times ideology of neoliberal capitalism.
If you can’t go and explore outside, take the chance to explore inside. The Mars, Jupiter, Pluto conjunction is offering a window into the soul, making inner realities that little bit easier to access than they otherwise would be. So take the chance and slow down a little, try out some inner exploration with the extra free time we’ve been given. Who knows what you might discover.
Much love, back soon with more.
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If you are looking for spiritually guided coverage of the Covid-19 coronavirus situation I can recommend: Planet Waves
1 Response
[…] Full Moon is in a 90 degree square aspect to Jupiter and Pluto – I talked about this recently. On a personal level we can see this as tension between our own needs and those of the wider world. […]