Uranus in Taurus, An Introduction

Uranus is front and center of the astrology at the moment. The New Moon was on top of it. For the past week the Sun has been moving across it and now Mercury is doing the same. Uranus is in early Taurus right now, about a year into its 7 year tour. Today we explore what Uranus in Taurus might say about our time in history.

In 2018 Uranus spent a few months dipping in and out of Taurus. But it wasn’t until March 2019 that he entered to stay. And will stay until 2026. Although he’s been in Taurus for a year already it still feels as though things are just getting started, there will be many shake ups to come.

Uranus in Aries.
Aries the Ram. Illustrated by my brother Linus Nelson. Check out more of his stuff here.

Uranus in Aries

Before we look at what Uranus in Taurus might mean, let’s first look at what Uranus got up to during his transit through Aries. This was between 2010 and 2018/19.

Aries is a sign that, at its essence, is about identity. The simplest way to frame Aries is “I am”. This makes sense seeing as it is the first sign of the zodiac. 

Uranus revolutionises, and liberates. Uranian events often seem to come out of nowhere. Themes of rebellion, invention and awakening come up. There is also a strong technological bent to Uranus.

So how did Uranus in Aries manifest between 2010 and 2019?

Identity Revolution

Our sense of identity radically shifted during this time, largely due to technological advances. We rushed head first into the digital realm, projecting virtual identities through various different mediums, apps and websites. “I am” means something entirely different now than it did in 2009. There are many people out there who identify more with their instagram profile than their actual physical body. 

There has also been much conflict – in some cases all out war – with identity being the ground that is fought over. We saw a rise in identity politics from both the left and the right during the 2010s. From the left we have had groups like Black Lives Matter, protesting the prevalence of police violence against black people. There have also been many LBGT+ identity movements. Feminism and the #metoo movement also rose into mainstream discourse. 

There has also been a huge backlash to these kinds of movements coming from the right with all sorts of anti-feminist, transphobic, “All Lives Matter” people who don’t believe that identity politics is legitimate. Most of these people being middle-class white men who spend too much time on the internet. Although, unfortunately the right has gotten even more insidious than this with a huge increase in white supremacy; white identity politics. 

Uranus in Aries has seen the concept of identity get reinvented and fought over tooth and nail in myriad skirmishes across the web and across the world. From dozens of new gender identities emerging to the rise of literal nazism, everyone suddenly got very caught up in what identity means in the internet age.

This is but one expression of Uranus in Aries.

Popular Uprisings & Tech Takeovers

Uranus and Pluto made a series of squares to one another, between 2012 and 2015. Pluto added a transformative, empowering energy into the mix. At this time we witnessed many political uprisings. The Occupy Movement and the Arab Spring to name a couple. These movements shared many things in common. They were both grassroots rebellions influenced by and made possible due to changes in our technology. The Arab Spring was largely organised through social media, for example. Whereas Occupy attempted to organise along the lines of the non-hierarchical networks of the internet. Unfortunately neither of these revolutionary causes seemed to come to very much. 

Uranus in Aries and Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street

Arguably the real successful revolution that did occur at this time was that of the large tech corporations and the massive takeover of neoliberal capitalist ideology. The tech giants gained prominence in power over their industrial competitors and acquired unthinkable power over each and every one us, their daily users. At the same times a huge transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich was occurring. This has allowed all sorts of other radical acts in recent years, many of which carried out by right-wing opportunists such as the alliance between the Trump campaign and Cambridge Analytica. 

Cyborg Culture

Uranus’ transit through Aries, starting in 2010 has seen personal technology completely transform our lives, our sense of self, and our way of navigating the world. Sure, there were iPhones around before that, but now pretty much everyone has a smartphone. Not only do we all have one but it’s almost unthinkable to leave the house without it. If the slightest hint of boredom crops up in our lives some of us have no idea what to do but start scrolling. 

This new technology goes beyond merely identifying with our profile picture, it starts to determine what it means to be human. Our technology is a part of us now and it has had an unimaginable effect on our consciousness. I would suggest that if you could click your fingers and suddenly change your state of mind from 2005 consciousness to 2020 consciousness it would be an experience similar to coming up on strong acid. This is the effect our technology use has had on us, incrementally and so largely unnoticed, as Uranus passed through Aries.

Uranus in Taurus

If Aries is “I am”. Then Taurus is “I have”. It represents the material world and the things that we put the most value on. Mother Earth can be represented by Taurus. Money is a traditionally Taurean entity because it represents pure material value. 


The Extinction Rebellion movement is almost a cartoonish embodiment of Uranus in Taurus energy. The group formed in May 2018 just at the moment Uranus entered Taurus for the first time in 80 years. They are an organisation determined to raise awareness of the climate crisis through acts of civil disobedience. They exhibit the hallmarks of Uranus. There may have always been groups of people attempting to raise awareness about environmental concerns but they have never reached mainstream consciousness in quite the same way until Uranus in Taurus.

Uranus in Taurus and Extinction Rebellion
An Extinction Rebellion protest.
Photo by Joël de Vriend on Unsplash

Magic Money Trees

As our concept of identity irrevocably transformed during Uranus in Aries, our concept of money is likely to transform during Uranus’ transit through Taurus. During the corona era, it has become obvious that – if we want to – we can slow down the economy and give the environment a chance to heal. Unlimited economic growth is not possible on a planet with limited resources and this has become even clearer in recent weeks.

I am not going to predict the ways in which our concept of money or the economy is going to change in the coming years, but I will suggest that it is going to change radically. The beginnings of which we are already witnessing. There is an intrinsic link between economic philosophy and environmental well being that industrial capitalists would rather we all ignored. This cannot be ignored any longer. Hopefully we are going to see radical progress towards more holistic and sane economies in the near future.

Food is at the crux of where the environment and the economy intersect. Arguably, the first time humans ever altered the environment on a large scale was due to agriculture. I would say that the way we think about food; how we get it from field to fork; what goes into it; how it’s produced; what effect production has on the environment; etc. ; are all going to turn out to be hugely important issues in the next few years. 

In much the same way it would have been impossible to predict what kinds of revolutions our identities were going to occur under Uranus in Aries. It’s similarly impossible to try and predict what our economic revolutions will look like by the middle of the decade.

All it’s ever really safe to say with Uranus is, you’ll be surprised!

Ongoing Coverage

I just touched the surface here today with Uranus in Taurus. As we go deeper into the decade there will be more to report. So stay tuned if you’d like to learn more. Also please consider signing up for the newsletter if you haven’t already. 

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Uranus in Taurus
Taurus. By Linus

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