Solstice Solar Eclipse: The intersection between personal and global transformation

There is a system within astrology in which each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac are given an image. This collection of images are called the Sabian Symbols, channelled by psychic Elsie Wheeler nearly 100 years ago. When writing articles I usually check which symbols are active. 

Solar Eclipse in Cancer
The Solar Eclipse occurs in the first degree of Cancer, Sunday June 21st, Summer Solstice, 2020. Illustration by Linus.

The Tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse lands on a particularly apt symbol. 

“On a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.”

This image seems to encapsulate both current events and the current astrology. 

The Sun passes over this symbol around the same day every year, 00 degrees Cancer, either the 20th or 21st or June. This marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The beginning of summer, the peak of the Sun’s journey through the year. 

The fact that an eclipse happens on the same day amplifies both the solstice and the eclipse. 

The last time a solar eclipse occurred on the summer solstice was in 2001. Perhaps the most momentous historical era of the 21st century … until now that is.

Raise Your Flag

The first thing that sprung into my mind when I read: “On a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.” was the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) (also called Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP)) in downtown Seattle. See [HERE] and [HERE]. After police forces fled the East Precinct abandoning the area to Black Lives Matter protesters, a 6 block perimeter was set up and CHAZ was founded. No leaders, no police, a community area in which people are free from the tear gas throwing cops who had been attacking peaceful protesters for 2 weeks. The American flag lowered and a BLM flag raised.

Black Lives Matter Flag
Solstice Solar Eclipse
Black Lives Matter Flag
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

However, there are also other more insidious flags being changed. For instance, Donald Trump lowering the American flag to raise one of white supremacy. News reports yesterday stated the Trump campaign has been using a symbol in their facebook attack-the-left ads that is indistinguishable from one used in Nazi concentration camps to signify political prisoners.

A Point of No Return

In his book An Astrological Mandala Dane Rhudyar adds a keynote to the Sabian Symbol for where the eclipse is taking place. 

“A radical change of allegiance exteriorized in a symbolic act: a point of no return.”

We will not return from all we have been through and all that the world is going through now. There is no “going back to normal” after the Coronavirus. There is no backing down and giving in to vague promises of police reform for Black Lives Matter activists. Things simply have to change, and by all indications they are. 

After nearly a month of protests and calls to dismantle and defund the police, some states and cities are actually listening. Some authorities are actually defunding and dismantling their police. A month ago, this seemed an utter impossibility with the Trump administration tightening their authoritarian grip on the country. Now it appears to be happening. The tide is changing. See [HERE] and [HERE].

No Justice, No Peace. A Black Lives Matter chant painted on an inverted American Flag.
Solstice Solar Eclipse
No Justice, No Peace. A Black Lives Matter chant painted on an inverted American Flag.
Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unsplash

Unfortunately, the likes of Donald Trump have also gone beyond a point of no return. This eclipse coincides with his first rally since the beginning of Coronavirus and is surrounded by controversy. He first wanted to hold the rally yesterday; June 19th, a.k.a Juneteenth, a day to commemorate emancipation from slavery in America. He pushed that back by a single day after meeting with angry opposition. The rally is also being held in Tulsa, 99 years after the single worst massacre of black citizens occurred in that very city. See [HERE] for more. All of this during the Black Lives Matter protests isn’t just tone deaf, it’s antagonistic. Senator Kamala Harris tweeted “This isn’t just a wink to white supremacists—he’s throwing them a welcome home party”.


Dane Rhudyar adds a keyword to tomorrow’s Sabian Symbol: Reorientation.

One of the things I try to impart through my astrological writing is that world events are a reflection of personal events. The same symbolism can represent the history on our doorstep and the personal narrative in our hearts. When we see reorientation in the world, we are offered reorientation within ourselves.

Real growth is not easy, but meaningful change is inevitable right now.

It may feel more intense for some than for others but each one of us is also going through some kind of personal changing of the flags, a reorientation of consciousness, a spiritual point of no return. 

But just like the terrible violence we have seen from the authorities attempting to force the Black Lives Matter protestors from the streets, so too do our inner voices and external authorities try to quell our development as human beings. 

Trump and his supporters, the EDL thugs fighting police in London, all of the right-wing tantrums being held across the world represent a deep rooted fear of the inevitable change occurring in our society. And as hard as it is to admit, there is a little bit of Trump in all of us – an angry little baby that somehow has way more power than it should – who’s essentially just terrified of growth.

Nature in focus.
Solstice Solar Eclipse
Nature in focus.
Photo by Kamala Saraswathi on Unsplash

There may be some lucky (or hard working and well prepared) people out there who are able to easily line things up at the moment to make the most of the transformative momentum we are experiencing. However, most of us are met with numerous obstacles, juggling of responsibilities, internal strife and external hecticness. These struggles make it seem impossible to achieve the things we want to achieve or be the people we want to be. But we are living through extraordinary times of transformation both on a global scale and the personal scale. A few weeks ago it seemed impossible to create the radical positive changes we are now seeing in American politics. Just as what we previously thought impossible in our personal development is now within grasp.

The small changes we make now will have much larger effects than we might suppose. Decide on what you want to be and where you want to go. And then turn your ship in that direction. Lower the old flag that has been flying for too long and raise your new one. Reorient for the new world ahead you and set sail. 

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1 Response

  1. dawn nelson says:

    Uplifting xxx

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