There is a New Moon this week, on Friday. It happens in Gemini. Gemini is also the sign in which Venus is in retrograde. Welcome to Gemini season, but also welcome to the beginning of a rather long eclipse season that is going to make the summer of 2020 stand out. As if this year wasn’t outstanding enough already.
If you’ve been reading along with me for the past few lunar cycles, it should now be clear that I consider them important markers in the quality of time. A New Moon, like the one on Friday. Is when the Sun and the Moon hold the same place in the sky. This week in Gemini. The reason you can’t see the Moon at this time is because the Sun is lighting up the otherside of it.
New Moon’s are when one monthly cycle ends and another begins. If you pay attention to the Moon waxing to Full and waning to New you will notice how it corresponds with cycles in your own life.
Life – and time – do not travel in a straight line. If we measured our life in a linear fashion we would only see it as us getting progressively older. This is how we are told time works, but our experience of it is much more complex.
In actuality our lives feel much more like a series of waves and cycles. Ups and downs and round and rounds. Sometimes we feel on top of the world, at other times we feel down in the dumps. Sometimes we are smashing it at work, sometimes we are more interested in other things. Flowing, struggling. Outgoing, introvert. Focused, dispersed. Consciousness is full of many flavours that make their way into and out of our lives.
If we pay attention this usually happens in waves and cycles; spirals. Spirals are everywhere in the universe, from the shapes of the largest galaxies to the shape of our DNA; the very thing that transmits life throughout the ages. The shape of our lives, our ups and downs, loves and heart aches, moving homes and saying goodbyes; what it feels like to be alive, these too take the shape of spirals.
The cycle of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon – from the viewpoint of the Earth – also takes the shape of a spiral. When paid attention to it’s possible to see the monthly spirals in our lives reflected in the cycles of the Moon.
So on Friday, one cycle ends and another begins, setting the stage for the rest of the month. But there is also a larger cycle at work this New Moon. It ushers in the beginning of Eclipse Season, which will be in play until the New Moon in Cancer on the 20th of July.
Between now and then three eclipses will occur.
Eclipse Season
The Full Moon, on the 5th of June – following Friday’s New Moon – will be a partial Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Visible across Europe, Africa and Asia.
The New Moon following that, on Summer Solstice, the 21st of June, will be a partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Visible across Africa and Asia.
The Full Moon following that, on the 5th of July, will be a partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. Visible in Western Europe, Africa and the Americas.
Whether you can see them or not Eclipses are always important points in time, they are like an extra tight loop on the spiral, they can feel like when you go round a tight corner on a rollercoaster. In that tight loop they contain extra potential momentum that can help us move quickly into new directions.
I mention this now because Friday’s New Moon opens the season. It’s a good time to start preparations. We go through two lunar cycles before we come out the other side.
The time around – and between – eclipses holds a special kind of quality, time seems compressed and contained. The things that we do within the eclipse timeframe have sticking power. In other words, if there is something you want in your life, working towards that during an eclipse will help set the pattern for the next several months. It’s possible to use that extra momentum in the tight loop to propel you into a new direction of your choosing.
A good activity to carry out now, as we enter eclipse season would be to start thinking about what we would like to bring into our lives over the remainder of the year. Friday’s Gemini New Moon marks the beginning of the eclipse season and should offer some inspiration.
The Gemini New Moon
As for the energy of the Moon itself.
All of the energy I laid out in the previous post about Venus stationing retrograde [CLICK HERE] is still strong and worth taking into consideration.
The Gemini New Moon does add its own message to that though.
As we begin to delve deeper within ourselves during Venus retrograde it’s worth trying to avoid the tendency to try and make immediate sense of things using logic. We are living in a world that promotes just one type of thinking. Clear rational, logical, daylight thinking where everything makes sense according to maths and science.
The inner realms do not speak in this language. What we may discover will be more akin to the logic of dreams, symbolism and moonlight thinking. This kind of language is more slippery and must often be met on it’s own terms, it’s also very easy to forget. Keeping a diary or journal now would be an excellent way to retain some of the internal discoveries we make. Otherwise they may just drift back off into dreamland.
I’d say, start off not even trying to “make sense” of things that appear not to, just go with it. Over time the sense will make itself, but not through rational analysis or trying to fit it into some preconceived box in our minds.
We are much more fantastic and complex than words can even begin to describe, but as we delve further we will find a kind of language that does make sense, to us at least. This may turn out to be more useful than any ideas about ourselves that were handed down to us from our immediate culture.
Happy New Moon.
Huge thanks to Linus for the illustrations for this post. Check out his instagram [HERE]
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1 Response
[…] are a few different analogies that can be used to describe how eclipses feel. I laid one out in [THIS POST] about spirals. Another one of my favourites is that it feels like the solar system changing gears. […]