2020 Big Pic Energy

Today we are going to zoom out a little and try to get an idea of the bigger picture for the rest of the year. I think it’s important to focus on the larger aspect patterns that linger in the background for many months or a few years. The kinds of aspects that happen only a handful of times, or even once, in a lifetime. 

This year started with the once in a generation aspect of Saturn conjunct Pluto.

This year is going to end with the once every 20 years aspect of Jupiter conjunct Saturn.

In between these two we have the once every 15 year aspect of Jupiter conjunct Pluto.

It’s worth coming back to these themes over and over again, because the energies are persistent throughout the entire year.

This post is a guide to the slower moving outer planets; the 2020 Big Pic Energy.

2020 Astrology Big Picture
Saturn's Rings
The Rings of Saturn

I have written extensively already about much of the astrology in play, and will continue to do so throughout he year.

Saturn Pluto

For everything I’ve done so far on Saturn Pluto please check [HERE].

Saturn conjoined Pluto in Capricorn at the very beginning of the year. Global panics, whether they come from war, terrorism or viral outbreaks tend to occur around Saturn Pluto contacts. We’ve also seen the fear-based politics of Trump, Johnson and others slowly rising over the past few years towards this vital moment in history. We are all now feeling the effects of a pandemic that has separated us from our loved ones, kept us in our homes and spread fear and panic across the entire globe.

Unfortunately this energy is going to continue playing out for the rest of the year (or two) but the highest intensity is behind us.

Do not lose hope.

Jupiter Saturn

2020 Astrology Big Picture

Jupiter and Saturn coming together – in the very first degree of Aquarius – marks a new beginning. This aspect is emblematic of hope and renewal after the heavy year (or three) we have all been through. This happens on the Winter Solstice no less; 21st of December 2020.

The world has changed irrevocably, in the past few years, but this year especially. It seemed as though we were pretty much doomed to carry on living in a hyper capitalist world filled with hate, xenophobia and conservative governments. But the system breakdown that has occurred around coronavirus has shaken things up enough for positive change to manifest in the years to come. There is no going back to ‘normal’.

Saturn and Jupiter coming together at the end of the year represent a new and positive change. It’s a time in which we all have the opportunity to manifest our dreams.

For what I have written thus far about the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction please click [HERE].

Jupiter Pluto

Jupiter is the faster moving planet, it goes through about one sign per year. This year it’s in Capricorn and is making contact with Pluto three times. At the end of the year it will enter Aquarius with Saturn.

Jupiter enhances everything it touches. On the one hand we have seen Jupiter emphasise the death aspect of Pluto. If you turn on any news channel now one of the first things you hear is how many people have died from coronavirus. A fear and panic about death rippling through a society that never really comes to terms with it.

However, Pluto also represents rebirth and soul-level transformation. Jupiter enhancing this aspect of Pluto you won’t read about in the news, but it is manifesting. As our society transforms around us, so do we have the opportunity to transform ourselves. It’s a symbiotic relationship actually; when any one person – intrinsically connected and embedded into society – changes, so does society change. And as society transforms so does each individual. You have more power than you can imagine to transform the world around you. Jupiter – Pluto is a reminder of that.

2020 Astrology Big Picture

For what I have written so far about Jupiter Pluto please click [HERE].


So those are the big aspects that are in play – to one degree or another – for most of this year, fluctuating in and out.

Saturn Pluto was strongest at the beginning of the year then began to dissipate. For the next few months this energy will rise again until September at which point it begins to dissipate again.

Jupiter Pluto is pretty strong all year, but with the exact conjunctions being the strongest points June/July and November.

Jupiter Saturn was building in strength until a couple of weeks ago and will ebb away a little bit again until it starts building real momentum around Halloween culminating in the exact conjunction on Winter Solstice, December 21st.

Twenty Twenty is without a doubt gonna be one for the history books. It’s important to remember that that means we are all contributing to history with everything we do. There is a real possibility now of emerging out of this year with real hope, founded on real change, with a bright future on the horizon. Something that didn’t seem possible at the beginning of the year.

Let’s all continue working towards it.

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