New Moons always mark new beginnings. They are the time when one monthly cycle ends and a new one begins. Today’s Cancer New Moon might feel extra fresh because it ends the intense eclipse cycle that began back in May.
Since the elongated eclipse cycle started – with the New Moon on the 22nd of May – we have had three eclipses and two inner planet retrogrades.
Both eclipses and inner planet retrogrades can feel like cordoned off periods of time. Looking back it feels as though the past two months occurred in a parceled off mini-era. Our perception of time was altered and our general perception of reality may have been unusual for the past 8 weeks.
Many important changes occurred, many important things came to light, now it’s a matter of integrating that into our lives.
Saturn 2020
Saturn has been a big player this year, and is the most prominent planet in the New Moon chart.
Right at the beginning of the year we witnessed the once in a generation Saturn Pluto conjunction. This has been emblematic of much of the political and societal turmoil we’ve been going through, peaking in 2020. For more on Saturn Pluto SEE HERE.
In spring Saturn moved out of Capricorn – where he’s been since 2018 – and into Aquarius. Aquarius represents, amongst other things, social patterns. Saturn’s foray into Aquarius coincided with the strictest social distancing rules. After moving back into Capricorn during Saturn’s annual retrograde, social distancing rules were loosened.
This time around Saturn will only be in Capricorn for a few months before entering Aquarius again in December, where he will remain for two and a half years. On December 21st, Winter Solstice, Saturn will be joined by Jupiter for their once per twenty year conjunction. This happens in the very first degree of Aquarius, beckoning in a more hopeful era than the one we’ve been living through recently.
Today’s New Moon is the first event to bring Saturn into focus since retrograding back into Capricorn. The timing is apt, we are basically halfway between the heavy, constricting Saturn Pluto conjunction in January and the uplifting, constructive Jupiter Saturn conjunction coming in December.
Saturnian Choices
The Jupiter Saturn conjunction marks the beginning of a hopefully brighter future at the Winter Solstice. But the more work we put into creating the kind of future that we want now will ensure a future we can believe in for 2020s and beyond. Aquarius sets patterns in place. Jupiter and Saturn offer an opportunity to set a pattern that we envisage. A chance to manifest our dreams into reality.
That is to say, we could just curl up into a ball and see the rest of 2020 through hoping we are gonna come out alright on the other side. Alternatively we can step into our duty to the world and responsibility for ourselves. You have five months to work at creating the kind of future you believe in, ready to set the pattern in place. The choice is yours.
Let’s be clear, part of the reason we are in the kind of mess we are in right now is because we live in a culture where – again and again – we fail to take responsibility for our own lives and the consequences of our own actions. We subconsciously give our power away to authorities who do not deserve it. These authorities are not benevolent kings. They are crooks and flagrantly absolve themselves of any responsibility to anyone but the megarich.
And it’s easy for us to point the finger at ‘them’ and blame ‘the 1% of the 1%’ for all the world’s ills. But, by doing that we are giving away our power to make a difference. The difference starts with each one of us. The power to make small but meaningful changes is in each and every one of us.
Saturn in Capricorn opposed the Cancer New Moon is reminding us of that today.
Saturn is reminding us that we each have a choice to make. Work for the world we want and take responsibility for our lives, or coast along and pretend we aren’t responsible agents in this large and complex world.
We’ve all got some growing up to do if we want 2021 to be different than 2020.
Rebirthing the World
Between now and the Winter Solstice we will continue to learn and grow. We will continue to come up against obstacles and be continually amazed at the craziness of the world around us.
We’ve made it through the turbulent first half of 2020. We are still alive and kicking and we are all stronger for what we have been through. We’ve figured out what matters and who matters, we’ve adjusted and fought through adversity and strife. Everybody has been through some low points, but there have been numerous reasons to be joyful and thankful for our place here and now.
The world is going through a rebirthing process. From what I can gather, giving birth is said to be one of the most painful and yet one of the most beautiful things a woman can go through. The world is being reborn now and we have to push to recreate it!