When we first begin learning about astrology there are so many new symbols, concepts and techniques to discover that it’s easy to lose sight of why we came to it in the first place.
The symbolism of a natal chart represents something actually existing in the world. Usually, in the case of a birth chart, all those symbols and signs represent a person. “Your Moon is in Pisces” doesn’t mean anything on its own. “My Sun is opposed Jupiter” is totally meaningless unless it symbolises an actual aspect of one’s personality, of one’s life.
Looking at the forever shifting astrology of the present, or near-past and near-future is a little more abstract. The symbolism might not represent an actually existing thing, but rather an overview of the psycho-social climate. How the myriad actually existing things – symbolised in the astrology – interact with one another and play out in the world.
When people do astrology their set of personal experiences and breadth of knowledge is just as – if not more – important than the astrological symbolism. There is no objective astrology. Just as there is no objective journalism or history. Astrological symbolism must be interpreted by an astrologer, it must interact with consciousness to be meaningful. When people write astrology their inherent biases and beliefs are just as – if not more – important than the lens of astrology itself.
What’s the point in talking or writing about astrology if it doesn’t relate to the world around us? And what’s the point in trying to relate to the world around us with just what people write in astrology books – or worse yet, on the internet?
Cosmic Triggers is a project that draws parallels between world events, personal development and astrological symbolism. Designed to be accessible to people with next-to no prior knowledge of astrology and an interesting perspective to those with.
At the moment this takes the form of blog posts about the current astrological “weather”. However, there are some longer pieces of research and analysis in the works. So please sign up to the newsletter for news about my long form essays coming soon.
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