Category: New Moon

Mars Stations Direct: Thrusting Towards Winter Solstice

There are three major astrological events this week that thrust us towards the historic Jupiter – Saturn conjunction on the Winter Solstice. Mars stations direct, Jupiter and Pluto conjunct and a New Moon in Scorpio. These three events happen in such close proximity they can be considered as one. Things are going to start moving forward and building momentum much more rapidly than we have seen for some time, so strap in.

Cancer New Moon; Rebirthing the World.

Today’s New Moon is the first event to bring Saturn into focus since retrograding back into Capricorn. The timing is apt, we are basically halfway between the heavy, constricting Saturn Pluto conjunction in January and the uplifting, constructive Jupiter Saturn conjunction coming in December.

Gemini New Moon 2020: Spiraling Into The Future

A good activity to carry out now, as we enter eclipse season would be to start thinking about what we would like to bring into our lives over the remainder of the year. Friday’s Gemini New Moon marks the beginning of the eclipse season and should offer some inspiration.

Taurus New Moon 2020

Today’s New Moon in Taurus is a complex event. It focuses our awareness a little bit away from the huge historical narrative that we are all living through and brings it a little more down to Earth.  To me this New Moon marks the beginning of a phase in which...

Aries Ingress 2021

Aries New Moon, Blog Relaunch

Today is the Aries New Moon of the year Two Thousand and Twenty. This is an important time for a few reasons. First of all, what the fuck is going on in the world? We thought 2016 was bad? We thought 2019 was bad? Welcome to the 2020s, Jesus H....

Gemini New Moon, Mars Retrograde

Here we are again at the beginning of a new lunar month. This time the cycle begins in the sign of Gemini exact this evening (Wednesday) for those dwelling in Europe and earlier in the day for those across the Atlantic. This Gemini New Moon tells me that it is...

Taurus New Moon

Here we are again at the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle, which also means the end of one. I often find the few days leading up to a New Moon to be a little tense. This is a time when all the energies, lessons and events of the previous...

Aries New Moon, Debut Blog Post

I kept up a pretty regular astrology blog between 2008-2010. It seems incredible that I was writing about astrology on a near daily basis over ten years ago. I have kept up the study of astrology during this time, to varying intensity, and feel ready to start blogging again. One...