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Pluto square Eris, Deep Chaos; An Introduction

The lies perpetuated by our politicians and the media are becoming more ridiculous as each day goes by. The fact that the system is working perfectly well for the 0.01% who truly benefit from it is becoming more obvious with each passing financial crash. Pluto square Eris is reflecting the chaos on our streets, the discord in our parliaments and the collapse of what we thought was normal.

The Politics of Mars Retrograde (Mars Rx Part III)

This year – due to Mars slowing down and changing direction – Mars is square Saturn for around 8 weeks. Eight times longer than usual. Right now we are at the midpoint of that process. If you’ve been feeling tense, if you feel as though you’ve been banging your head against a wall trying to get something done, if it’s felt like the walls of the world are closing in on you, that’ll be Mars square Saturn.

Mars Stations Retrograde in Aries

Mars turns retrograde today. He will spend the next several weeks trekking backwards through his home sign of Aries. Mars retrograde is a piece of astrological symbolism that is easily experienced. This time around it’s triggering much of the big 2020 astrology. You didn’t think things were gonna ease up as we enter the final stretch of the year did you?

Introduction to Mars Retrograde

When a planet is retrograde the energy symbolised takes on a more inwardly focussed expression. Because Mars represents this very yang, very outward, forward moving expression of energy, when it reverses palpable. More so than Venus or Mercury.

Cancer New Moon; Rebirthing the World.

Today’s New Moon is the first event to bring Saturn into focus since retrograding back into Capricorn. The timing is apt, we are basically halfway between the heavy, constricting Saturn Pluto conjunction in January and the uplifting, constructive Jupiter Saturn conjunction coming in December.

Mercury Stations Direct; New You Rising

When Mercury stations direct it usually coincides with some information being revealed. Many of the frustrations and upsets associated with Mercury retrograde come down to the fact that we are not working with all of the available data. More often than not the missing pieces get revealed around the time when Mercury begins moving forward again.

Capricorn Lunar Eclipse, Leaving the Past Behind

Today was the final eclipse of the season, and what a season it’s been. In the early hours of this morning (Sunday) there was a partial eclipse of the Moon in Capricorn. The third and final eclipse of the summer of 2020, signalling a winding down of this concentration of...

Venus Stations Direct: the Beginning of the World

How have your values have changed between May 15th and now? Our priorities have shifted. What is most important to us will have altered or taken on new depths. This process acts to colour our entire perception of reality as we lend our attention to different things, as we interact with the world with an updated system of values.