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Gemini New Moon 2020: Spiraling Into The Future

A good activity to carry out now, as we enter eclipse season would be to start thinking about what we would like to bring into our lives over the remainder of the year. Friday’s Gemini New Moon marks the beginning of the eclipse season and should offer some inspiration.

Venus Retrograde

Venus turns Retrograde in Gemini

Consider Venus turning retrograde this week to be the beginning of an inner journey that will play itself out over the next couple of months. If we pay attention, if we dare to look within, we will find something of great value that we thought we had lost or forgotten.

Uranus in Taurus, An Introduction

Our concept of money and the economy is going to change radically in the coming years. The beginnings of which we are already witnessing. There is an intrinsic link between economic philosophy and environmental well being that industrial capitalists would rather we all ignored. This cannot be ignored any longer. Hopefully we are going to see radical progress towards more holistic and sane economies in the near future.

Taurus New Moon 2020

Today’s New Moon in Taurus is a complex event. It focuses our awareness a little bit away from the huge historical narrative that we are all living through and brings it a little more down to Earth.  To me this New Moon marks the beginning of a phase in which...


Taurus Season 2020

There is a New Moon this week. It’s on Thursday and it happens in Taurus. Today we set the scene by digging into what makes Taurus season so special for me. Spring Season Taurus and Scorpio season are probably my two favourite times of the year. Another way of saying...

Venus Retrograde 2020

Making the Most of Venus Retrograde 2020

Out of all the planets Venus retrogrades the least, making it a bigger deal than any other. During Venus’ change in direction 2020 we have the opportunity to reconsider what is most important to us. We are given a month long window in which to rethink our sense of self...