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Solar Eclipse in Cancer

A Partial Solar Eclipse occurred in the sign of Cancer this week. It was exact at 2:47 am, UTC, Friday. That means that if you are in Europe it will have happened in the very early hours of this morning, Friday. If you are across the Atlantic it will have...

Last Quarter Moon in Aries

It feels as though my last blog post was a lot longer ago than a week, right? I mean it was maybe 8 or 9 days ago that I posted, but it feels as though weeks have passed. There are a number of reasons for this subjective temporal alteration. First,...

Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Saturn. Prepping for summer.

I’ve been writing pretty extensively about Mars retrograde in the last couple of weeks (see here and here). Yesterday, Tuesday 26th of June, Mars actually changed direction. This could have come up in various ways. From what I have noticed there has been a great deal of tension and frustration...

Summer Solstice, First Quarter Moon in Virgo

Today, Wednesday is the First Quarter Moon with the Sun in the last degree of Gemini and the Moon in the final degree of Virgo. Tomorrow the Sun will move into the sign of Cancer, marking the beginning of Summer and the celebration of the Summer Solstice, the longest day...

Gemini New Moon, Mars Retrograde

Here we are again at the beginning of a new lunar month. This time the cycle begins in the sign of Gemini exact this evening (Wednesday) for those dwelling in Europe and earlier in the day for those across the Atlantic. This Gemini New Moon tells me that it is...

Transcending Binaries, Last Quarter Moon in Pisces

Due to a quirk in the grammar of language we often categorise things in either / or terms. We assume that everything, every concept, every thought, every way of being must have an opposite. How true it is that every concept must have a companion and separate opposite concept is...

Full Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Karma

This month’s Full Moon lands in the sign of Sagittarius it is exact Tuesday, 29th May, 14:19:28, UTC. Sagittarius is represented by a centaur; half-man, half-horse, he aims his bow and arrow high into the sky above him. Let’s break this symbolism down. The horse aspect of Sag can represent...

Shifting Energies, First Quarter Moon in Virgo

Since my last post four planets have changed sign. The energetic landscape has shifted this week. We’ll try and go through them slowly as not to create an information overload. The Sun has moved out from Taurus and into Gemini. Gemini is a mutable air sign. The mutable part reflects...

Taurus New Moon

Here we are again at the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle, which also means the end of one. I often find the few days leading up to a New Moon to be a little tense. This is a time when all the energies, lessons and events of the previous...