Recent Posts:

Last Quarter Moon, Beltane

Well that was quite a Full Moon. It seemed to ripple right out into the week, it felt as though there was an opening through which vital cosmic energies could travel through. I’d suggest there are two main reasons for this. Firstly, as I mentioned in my previous post, the...

Full Moon in Scorpio

The Full Moon is in precise alignment at 00:58 UTC on Monday the 30th of April. This means it will be in effect all weekend. I’m writing this Friday night and I can feel it already. I discussed the Moon cycle in the First Quarter Moon post last weekend. Here...

Pluto Retrograde, Mars conjunct Pluto

Sorry for the mix up in posting, there was a miscalculation and some problems keeping up with the original scheduling of the articles. We have had lots of planets changing direction recently. First off we had Mercury last week, then Saturn and now Pluto, which entered retrograde motion on Sunday...

First Quarter Moon in Leo

Ok, here we are a week into me blogging 1000 words a day. Today is the First Quarter Moon. This is when the Moon looks like an exact semi-circle in the sky, half way between a New Moon and a Full Moon. I talked very briefly about the lunar cycle...

Sun Enters Taurus; a Trip around the Zodiac

In the early hours of tomorrow morning (UTC) the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus. Seeing as this blog is looking to primarily explore the rhythms of the Sun and Moon, it is worth going into what this means on a rhythmic level rather than just list the  corresponding...

Saturn Rx in Capricorn

Today we take our attention away from the sign-of-the-moment, Aries to focus on its cardinal cousin Capricorn, which takes second place for the most happening sign right now. Saturn, Mars and Pluto are all currently residing in Capricorn. These are all solar system objects that I hope you have heard...

Chiron enters Aries

Perhaps the biggest astrological news this week, in amongst some pretty big news is that minor planet Chiron is changing signs into Aries for the first time in nearly 50 years. This happens today at 08:09 UTC, and is usually accompanied by some real world fanfare when changing signs so...

Mercury Stations Direct in Aries

In yesterday’s post I mentioned three major events coinciding with the New Moon but didn’t have space to flesh each of them out. Today I cover Mercury Station Direct. At around midday on Sunday Mercury turned to direct motion again after around three weeks of moving retrograde, that is, appearing...

Aries New Moon, Debut Blog Post

I kept up a pretty regular astrology blog between 2008-2010. It seems incredible that I was writing about astrology on a near daily basis over ten years ago. I have kept up the study of astrology during this time, to varying intensity, and feel ready to start blogging again. One...